Ramalan Horoskop Jawa

Features that are in the forecast h0RoSKoP JAVA includes functions to predict "Ramalan Personality", based on the time of birth based on the factors: market day & (weton), neptu, wuku, pranotomongso date, jawa, jawa months, years candra jawa , pancasuda, pangarasan BC and the date, month and Christian zodiac stars as complementary. And to predict "Ramalan Perjodohan" based on the petungan at birth and literacy petungan based (Java) name of the pair taken from petungan is in the Book BETALJEMUR ADAMMAKNA horoscope, horoscope horoscope LUKMANAKIM ADAMMAKNA & BEKTI Jamal. Besides there are other features that include "Search evil" that is useful to predict the theft, and also added the feature "hunch" to interpret divine nature and divine body. There is also the feature "Search Day" which includes the functions of the Distance Day, The Day, The Warning Dead, Day & Search Better. There are also features of "Bio Rhythm" to see the cycle of life cycle that includes emotional, intellectual and physical.

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