Mobile worm

Mobile technology is developing very quickly. Previously, 10 years ago, a video call, there are only Power Ranger in the film and the film - the film the child - other children. Now that technology has evolved and continues to mushroom into a more sophisticated technology.

Wireless communication is the delivery of the first Morse code with the radio waves. After that, Alexander Grahambell create a phone cable to voice communication. Do you ever think, what inventor of communication in the hand grip is? He is Lars Magnus Ericsson of Sweden (1910). He also founded a company Ericsson.

The company was founded after Ericson, then follow the few phone companies that such as Motorola and Nokia.Perusahaan-Cellular Telephone Company is now current race - race Hp create a flexible, can be folded - folding keyboard such as rubber which we have often met. Hp-Hp may be more appropriate HP spelled "worm".

1. Nokia 888
Nokia concept phone sure has the most interesting. Nokia 888 is a Komunikator Handphone a futuristic concept. Mobile phone batteries that use liquid, introducing psuara, flexible touchscreen and touch-sensitive cover is designed by Tamer Nakisci and won the Nokia Design Award. (

2. Benq-Siemes "Snaked"
The "Snaked" Benq Snaked introduced especially for the women. Snaked is a fashion phone for sport lover of women, because in it there is also the body sensors to monitor changes in body shape that stays beautiful.

3. NEC Tags
NEC Tag is a concept phone fleksibel.Handphone can swing in the wind belt or around the arm of the user. Interestingly is that the phone has shape-memorizing material and sensors that can be changed so that the form of a phone according to its style.

Vendor-vendor seems pnosel well have started a race-race Manufacturer HP "worm" that first. Sometime this product in pasarkan akan freely. Wait ... only play on select HP "worm" is most like you, and do not be afraid HP will be broken because this in duduki. Because all the components are flexible. Technology supernano the right in the community.
We wait for the next HP. Hp perhaps creating a bias in addition to displaying pictures and sound, can also transfer Bau. So that the aroma there tercium by us. Wah .. I remember all the phone before, brush teeth first.

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